Fairies are magical!

Creating a fairy house is a fun way to invite fairies into your outdoor space. You can make them in your yard, a park or open space, and even at your campsite. It is so fun! Here we share with you our method of making fairy houses from materials found in nature.

Note: These are not permanent structures and will eventually fall apart if not kept up.

Step 1 – Pick a location

Find a location for your fairy house that has some flat dirt for a floor. I like to have rocks or trees in the background. Make sure it’s out of the way of foot traffic.

Step 2 – Gather Supplies

We chose sticks, leaves and flowers from around our yard. If possible gather supplies that have fallen on the ground. If you pick leaves or flowers take only those that are abundant and ask the plant and the fairies before you cut or remove live parts of plants.

Step 3 – Build the walls

We used sticks to build our walls in a half circle shape. Stick the sticks in the ground so that they come to a point at the top. The more sticks you use the thicker the walls will be. We didn’t have a lot of sticks in our yard so the picture below shows our walls.

Step 4 – Add to the walls and the floor

Use leaves, flowers, grass, or rocks to cover the floor. Then use whatever abundant materials you have to add to the walls. We had an abundance of leaves, succulents and chamomile that we used to adorn the walls.

Step 5 – Decorate

Decorate your fairy house with crystals, rocks, shells, acorns, or whatever you have around your outdoor area. Fairies love beautiful and shiny things and things from nature. My kids have a collection of rocks and crystals that they decided to put in and around their fairy houses.

Step 6 – Play and Enjoy!

That’s it! It’s super easy and fun! And you can get creative and make it however you like. I can’t wait to see what you create. Please share!

Below are some fairy houses we have built in the past to inspire you!! Post in our Facebook Page with pictures of your fairy houses and comment below if you are going to make one!


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